Key Topics Every Aspiring Ethical Hacker Must Conquer in Networking Part 3 – Ref: E3

Navigating the Basics: A Simplified Journey through Network Communication


In this scenario, let’s explore the journey of a message travelling from one machine to another within a TCP/IP network. Picture user Peter, eager to browse online for products at Hay Supermarket. Upon opening his browser and requesting his favourite shop’s website, Peter’s computer realizes it can’t locate the requested page locally in its cache memory. To find the information, it searches for a network entity to respond. Opting for the HTTP protocol (port 80), initiates the creation of a session—segments of data exchanged to accomplish a specific goal.

Within the framework of an Ethernet TCP/IP network, akin to Peter’s setup, communication between computers occurs through bits arranged in specific order, termed frames. These frames are constructed from the inside out, drawing on information from the upper layers. For example, the Application layer passes down an HTTP request to the Transport layer. Recognizing the need for a reliable, connection-oriented session, Peter’s computer turns to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP kickstarts a three-step handshake (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) to establish a communication session with the destination.
Essentially, Peter’s computer embarks on a series of messages to forge a dependable connection, ensuring that Peter receives the desired information without any loss. This simplified narrative is designed to cover the foundational aspects without delving too deeply into technical intricacies, providing a clear understanding of the essential concepts involved in network communication.


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Key Topics Every Aspiring Ethical Hacker Must Conquer in Networking Part 2 – Ref: E2

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Understanding Network Protocols: The Backbone of Efficient Communication


In the vast landscape of computer networks, communication between devices is governed by a set of rules known as protocols. These protocols serve as the foundation for seamless data transmission and reception, ensuring that devices can interact with each other in a standardized manner. In this article, we will explore some common network protocols and their essential roles in facilitating effective communication.

1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): At the heart of reliable and ordered data delivery lies TCP, a connection-oriented protocol. It establishes a connection before data exchange, guaranteeing the accurate and error-free delivery of information between devices.

2. Internet Protocol (IP): Serving as the fundamental protocol for routing data packets, IP provides the addressing and routing mechanisms necessary for seamless communication between devices on a network.

3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): For web-based communication, HTTP is paramount. It facilitates the interaction between web browsers and servers, forming the basis for data transmission on the World Wide Web.

4. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): When it comes to transferring files between computers, FTP steps in. This protocol defines the rules for uploading and downloading files between a client and a server.

5. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): Email communication relies on SMTP, which outlines the rules for sending emails between servers, ensuring the smooth flow of electronic messages.

6. Post Office Protocol (POP) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): These protocols are essential for email clients, enabling the retrieval of messages from a mail server and facilitating access to emails on different devices.

7. Domain Name System (DNS): While not a communication protocol in itself, DNS plays a crucial role by translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses. This translation is vital for locating resources on the internet.

8. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): Simplifying network configuration, DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on a network, streamlining the setup process.

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In concert, these protocols create a cohesive framework for computer networks, allowing devices to communicate and share information efficiently. Whether it’s the reliable transmission of data through TCP or the seamless routing of packets via IP, these protocols collectively form the backbone of modern network communication, ensuring the smooth functioning of our interconnected world.

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Key Topics Every Aspiring Ethical Hacker Must Conquer in Networking Part 1 – Ref: E1

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Understanding the Fundamentals

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model:

In every networking class, the OSI Model takes centre stage, offering a comprehensive framework to explore the intricacies of communication between two computer devices. When embarking on setting up a network between two computers, the initial consideration revolves around connecting them. This process involves selecting a medium, be it copper cabling, glass tubes, or radio waves. Each medium comes with its set of considerations, necessitating a deep understanding of how to use them to transmit meaningful information. This initial step falls under Layer 1, known as the Physical layer, where information is fundamentally encoded into bits (1s and 0s).

Progressing to Layer 2, or the Data Link layer, one encounters considerations about network expansion. The decision to allow more than two nodes to join brings addressing to the forefront. Layer 2 efficiently manages this aspect by utilizing frames to encapsulate data from higher layers, holding addresses that identify machines within a specific network.

Expanding Beyond: Layer 3, the Network layer, intervenes as networks grow, introducing packets that contain vital network addresses and routing information. This layer is pivotal for sending messages to other neighbourhoods or even cities, ensuring that routers along the way understand the intended destination of the message.

Scaling Up: As networks expand, Layer 4, the Transport layer, assumes a crucial role. It addresses issues of reliable delivery and flow control, managing end-to-end delivery, error correction through retransmission, and flow control. This layer ensures that messages are not only delivered accurately but also without overwhelming the network.

Navigating the Data Layers: Moving up the stack, Layers 5 to 7 (Session, Presentation, and Application) concentrate on the data itself. The Session layer opens, maintains, and closes sessions; the Presentation layer ensures messages are universally understandable, while the Application layer holds protocols for user access to information across the network. These three layers, collectively referred to as the “data layers,” align directly with the Application layer of the TCP/IP stack.

In conclusion, from establishing a communication medium to addressing, routing, and ensuring reliable delivery, each layer in the networking stack plays a pivotal role in constructing a functional and efficient network.



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The TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) Model


While both the OSI model and the TCP/IP model serve as conceptual frameworks defining the functions and interactions in computer networking, they were independently developed with slightly different purposes. The TCP/IP model traces its origins to the early ARPANET, seeking to establish a robust and universal communication protocol. Over the years, TCP/IP has evolved into the standard for network communication, laying the foundation for our interconnected world today.

Breaking Down the Layers:

Link Layer (Network Interface Layer):
At the foundation of the TCP/IP model lies the Link Layer, responsible for the physical connection between devices on the same network. It deals with hardware aspects, specifying how data is framed and transmitted over various physical mediums like Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

Internet Layer:
Sitting atop the Link Layer, the Internet Layer manages addressing and routing between networks. The Internet Protocol (IP) is a cornerstone, assigning unique addresses and ensuring data packets reach their intended destinations.

Transport Layer:
Progressing up the hierarchy, the Transport Layer focuses on end-to-end communication. Protocols like TCP and UDP come into play, ensuring reliable and ordered data delivery.

Application Layer:
At the topmost layer is the Application Layer, where user interactions occur. This layer encompasses various protocols for specific applications, such as HTTP, SMTP, and FTP.

In essence, the TCP/IP model encapsulates the essence of modern network communication, providing a structured framework for understanding and implementing effective networking solutions.

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